Diversity Center of Oklahoma 6th Annual Diversity Gender Diverse & 2S-LGBTQ Symposium
“Getting Back To Basics: Holistic Care for Gender Diverse & 2S-LGBTQ+ Communities”
Friday June 12, 2020
7:30am – 8:00am Registration & Online Mingle
8:00am – 8:15am Introductions & Welcome
8:15am – 9:45 am Keynote
Colt Meier: “Ethical Gender Care in the Primary Care Setting”
10:00am– 11:30am Breakout:
Brandy Kalami and Reagan Gill: “Toward LGBTQ Inclusivity: Where We’ve Been and
Where We’re Going in the Field of Psychiatry”
10:00am – 11:30m Breakout:
Mark Fergeson & Jason Reveal: “Hormone Therapy Within the Gender Spectrum”
12:00pm – 1:15pm Lunch and Film Discussion– Grrl Justice Film
1:30p-3:00pm Plenary
Randy Hubach PhD: “Out Here, The Rainbow Has Mud on It: Advancing the Health of
Rural and Urban LGBTQ Individuals in Oklahoma in Need”
3:15- 4:45pm Plenary
Paulette Pitt, PhD: Working with Gender Diverse Adolescents: Meeting the Needs of Clients and
Their Families.
5:00pm – 6:00pm Closing Keynote
Susan Stryker, PhD: “Conversation with Susan Stryker PhD; Contexts for Theory and
7:30am – 8:00am Registration & Online Mingle
8:00am – 8:15am Introductions & Welcome
8:15am – 9:45 am Keynote
Colt Meier: “Ethical Gender Care in the Primary Care Setting”
10:00am– 11:30am Breakout:
Brandy Kalami and Reagan Gill: “Toward LGBTQ Inclusivity: Where We’ve Been and
Where We’re Going in the Field of Psychiatry”
10:00am – 11:30m Breakout:
Mark Fergeson & Jason Reveal: “Hormone Therapy Within the Gender Spectrum”
12:00pm – 1:15pm Lunch and Film Discussion– Grrl Justice Film
1:30p-3:00pm Plenary
Randy Hubach PhD: “Out Here, The Rainbow Has Mud on It: Advancing the Health of
Rural and Urban LGBTQ Individuals in Oklahoma in Need”
3:15- 4:45pm Plenary
Paulette Pitt, PhD: Working with Gender Diverse Adolescents: Meeting the Needs of Clients and
Their Families.
5:00pm – 6:00pm Closing Keynote
Susan Stryker, PhD: “Conversation with Susan Stryker PhD; Contexts for Theory and