Couples/Marriage Therapy
Our therapists are experienced in working with couples who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/gender diverse, panoramic, and polyamorous. Our therapists are knowledgeable and sensitive to couple who are involved in BDSM/kink/fetish and leather communities. Couples coming into therapy are looking for counselors who can help them with issues and skill related to:
- Addictions in relationships
- Avoiding “too hot” and “too cold” relationships
- Communication Skills
- Conflict Management Skills
- Dating versus relationship:
- Love vs. Lust
- Negotiating viable boundaries in relationships.
- Open versus closed relationships
- The danger of “you are my world” syndrome; the need for friends.
- The 50/50 split of Power and Responsibility
- The Four Areas of Power: Time, Task, Sex and Money
- The “Seven Year Itch”; time to reinvent yourselves and your relationship.
- The Three Needs in Relationship: Inclusion, Intimacy, and Control